I'm only kidding, he's not evil at all. I met my Radiologist/Oncologist Monday. My radiation treatments will begin in about 2-3 weeks. I will have another PET scan next week to see if there are remaining cancerous cells. Following that test, I will have a planning session where the positioning of the radiation on my body is determined. Side effects from this treatment can be a sore throat & heartburn due to the location of the treatment. Long term side effects can be a secondary cancer. I will receive 20 treatments, Monday-Friday for 4 weeks. The actual procedure, or laser, will be a low dose of radiation for about 2 minutes each day.

After we finished the consultation, and my Radiologist was walking us out, he asked if I had any other questions. I'm not sure why I even thought of this, but I asked him if he were in my shoes, would he go through with this treatment? He laughed a little and replied, "I have been through it." He had Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Despite all my anxiety & hesitation about this, I know I'll be in good hands.
Did I mention tomorrow is my last day of chemotherapy? I'm breaking out the last of my hoarded Reese's peanut butter eggs.