The only thing missing from this list is the immeasurable support, prayers and love from friends & family.
Today was my last treatment. With a few more items of cancer-swag, Chewy, graduation certificate in hand, and a significant amount of tears shed between the staff & I, it was bittersweet leaving the Huntsman Radiation Department. It was one of those moments when the reality of it all hit me again, and life seemed to move in slow motion for a few minutes. Five months ago, upon hearing my diagnosis & treatment, it felt like it would be an eternity before this day would be here. Here it is.
Many of you have commented on what you perceive as my super-human strength. Well, take a step back and look at where that strength came from. All of you. You unknowingly and effortlessly provided something more powerful than any chemical concoction could do. I only hope that I can return even a portion of that to you in this lifetime. You are the super heroes.
What will I do now? First, I'll enjoy doing NOTHING for awhile. I'll still post my random thoughts & rants, experiences about the never-ending mischievous ways of Thing 1 and Thing 2, maybe blog about other blogs (I'm so embarrassed I used that word twice in one sentence) and updates from the few remaining scans that I have over the next 5 years.
Love you all,
or however else you may know me