Why do I go to the Utah State Fair each year?
a) To see the new culinary atrocities presented, e.g. deep fried bacon dipped in chocolate.
b) I like to pretend I’m at a Jazzy/Rascal power scooter convention. Seriously, it’s like watching the live version of WALL-E. “Time for lunch…in a cup!”
c) It makes me feel better about my hair and my full set of teeth. I’m the last person to be criticizing hair-styles, but good gracious, will the mullet EVER die?!
d) I find a certain joy in walking around the pig pens next to Derek in his uniform, just waiting for someone to make the obligatory “pig” joke.
e) It is better than a trip to Wal-Mart!
f) all of the above.
a) To see the new culinary atrocities presented, e.g. deep fried bacon dipped in chocolate.
b) I like to pretend I’m at a Jazzy/Rascal power scooter convention. Seriously, it’s like watching the live version of WALL-E. “Time for lunch…in a cup!”
c) It makes me feel better about my hair and my full set of teeth. I’m the last person to be criticizing hair-styles, but good gracious, will the mullet EVER die?!
d) I find a certain joy in walking around the pig pens next to Derek in his uniform, just waiting for someone to make the obligatory “pig” joke.
e) It is better than a trip to Wal-Mart!
f) all of the above.
I'm quite sure this is the guilty one.
A Day in the Garden

Last week, I spent a day with Thing 1 & 2 at Red Butte Garden. This is one of my most favorite places in Utah. It was beautiful weather and barely anyone else around. It was perfect. They splashed around in the stream, watched the frolicking squirrels, looked for snakes, and found handfuls of acorns (coconuts according to Tyler). I can’t explain the delight it brings as they walk around the garden and point out certain flowers, by name, that they know & love.
Yes Tyler, fish do have tongues.