Friday, October 14, 2011

At a Loss For Words

I have a perfectly good reason(s) why I’ve neglected the blog lately.  I've had a few busy weeks and well….this came along.
Location:  Gateway Mall Apple Store  Photo taken, ironically, on an iPhone.
 Pop Quiz
This photo is best described as:
a) a moment for a great loss in my(i) life
b) my stifling uncontrolled laughter upon reading the ridiculous notes/sentiments/confessions
c) my stifling uncontrolled laughter after I scared the beejeebees out of a few unsuspecting people passing by when I looked up, raised my clenched fists to the sky and yelled/asked, "Why?!  Why him?  It should have been me first!" I know some of you are in agreement with the statement in option "c." Bygones?
d) all of the above minus option "a"
And people think Mormons are a cult.

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