Friday, November 12, 2010

Cancer Tips 101

I had cancer, but it didn’t have me. Upon reading that it may seem slightly pretentious, but I’m still here and writing this, so it must be true. I’ve never been thrilled about putting myself in the “survivor” category. I believe there are many others that endured far worse than I have and much more deserving of that title.

When I was diagnosed, people suggested other blogs, books, and experiences with me. I was very grateful for this support, though I must admit I did not follow any of the blogs. Honestly, many of them were too damn depressing! Everyone’s experience is going to be different as will the effects of treatment.
I’ve had many friends ask me how they can help or support someone they know who’s been diagnosed with cancer. Some of you may be reading this because a mutual friend has referred you here. If that is the case, think back to when you were little and you got your first pair of Underoos. Mine were Spider Girl, and I know I was invincible when I had them on. I could feel the super-hero power surge through me. If you have been diagnosed with cancer or something as equally terrifying, get your proverbial Underoos on baby, because you’re going to need them!

Aside from love and support from the most incredible family & friends, unnumbered prayers and strength from many unseen, here are some things that helped me:

-Eat well. We inexplicably feel inclined to bake cookies or a chocolate dessert to help someone feel better. If you’re wondering what to give someone, try fruit, instant breakfast mix, granola bars, or Gatorade packets. Chemo (radiation depending on the area receiving treatment) can dry out your throat & mouth, so gum, hard candy with ginger (for nausea), or lifesavers are great to have. Don’t overload them with sugary confections.

Have oatmeal and yogurt the mornings you have Chemo treatments. This helps coat your stomach lining and the acidophilus in yogurt will help with mouth sores or cankers.

Use plastic utensils if you notice foods have a metallic taste. Chemo destroyed my taste buds. I couldn’t stand the taste of Coke and certainly not any soda from a can, I had to drink from a glass & use a straw.

Friends made chicken enchiladas for us one night. That was a HUGE help. My kids had something good to eat for dinner (not fast food) when I was too tired to make it, and it also gave Derek a break.

-Use a silk pillowcase. Unless you’re used to not having hair, when it falls out, your scalp will be tender. If you can no longer tolerate losing hair by the handful, shave it off. If and when you do, your follicles will continue to grow and irritate your scalp. Use baby oil for the first few days. Eucerin Calming Crème was excellent, for scalp & dry skin from radiation.

-I was fortunate to find a great wig and well worth the expense. This is what I get asked about the most, because vanity is alive & well and I fully support it! I went to Headcovers by Joni on 3300 south in SLC. My wig was from the Alan Eaton collection, style: Peace, color: Crème Brulee.

-The only book I would recommend is ‘Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor’ by Kris Carr.

-Wear waterproof mascara to EVERY doctor’s appointment.

-Get off your ass. If you sit on it all day and tell yourself you can’t do anything, then you are absolutely right. I tried to go for a short walk every night, even if that was just around the block. If it was too cold, I’d walk around the grocery store. Do what your body will allow you to do.

I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday, and I love today.
-William Allen White


  1. What a great post Rachelle! Thank you for sharing all of's good stuff to know. My favorite part is the very last...the picture and the quote. The last dream I had about you (the old station wagon, chat on the porch) you were telling me how afraid you were of "tomorrow". It makes my heart happy to know you are not afraid anymore. Love ya.

  2. My friend, you constantly amaze me. Your positive attitude about what you have gone through (and yes it was a "BIG" something) is astonding. I don't know anyone who has handled something such as this with more grace & dignity. If you only knew how proud of you I am & how much I love & respect you. I hope that the hat Azzurra picked out for you looked as good on you as your wig~ADORABLE!!! Ti amo la mia ragazza bella :)

  3. Rachelle,
    You need to write a book...and I'm serious. You write in a way which grasps the reader and keeps them wanting more. Your attitude is gracious, strong, determined, and beautiful; all of which is portrayed in your writing. What an inspiring post, my dear! I heart you...and I'm stealing that quote. You amaze me. xoxox
