Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Tyler by any other name…

Today my little Groundhog baby turns 4 years old. In four short years, he’s more mischievous than I could have ever imagined, amazes me everyday with the things he says, displays chivalry by defending his sister to the ends of the earth, and is genuinely a happy, caring, sweet little house elf.
He is a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
He emptied EVERY dresser drawer.
Sprout is the first of many nicknames. We had to call him something due to unknown gender during my pregnancy with him. Only 10 months after Riley was born, I found out I was pregnant. I could barely keep it all together with one child and another was on the way. Following a harsh bout with post-partum depression (yes, it is very real and pure hell so bite me Tom Cruise) I was in denial, scared, and in absolute panic mode. However, after seeing the bond between Tyler & his older sister Riley, I understand his rush to get here.

I was blessed again to have a pregnancy free of complications. My doctor convinced me that considering the experience with my first delivery, an induced labor would be the best option for me. Everyone told me a second labor goes by faster than the first. Not so, and I regret being induced. After checking into the hospital early Friday morning, having the Pitocin drip in place, followed by my beloved epidural, it was a long day of very little activity. As a result of such inactivity, my nurse was ordered to try an additional measure. Whoever invented the technique of stripping membranes is a sadist. That was by far the most painful thing this body has ever experienced. Following a 12 hour day, 8 pounds 1 ounce, and 21 ½ inches of an incredible little being arrived at 9:49 p.m. After meeting Tyler, I’d do it all again without a second thought.

When Tyler was about 10 months old and started talking, he would get so excited upon seeing a snowman in a front yard and say “Mo-mess!” It took us awhile before we realized he was trying to say “snowman.” However, Mo-Mess became a very appropriate nickname for him. Not a meal would go by without a minor disaster with it. He even has his own theme song. Although when the munchkins sing along, Paul Simon’s “Homeless” gets tweaked a little to “Mo-Mess, Mo-Mess.”

I admire Tyler’s outgoing nature. Not a person can walk by our house without Tyler greeting them, and he won’t let up until his salutation is acknowledged. I love hearing him yell across the street “Hi Mr. Tingey!” then seeing the simultaneous smile & wave that he gets in return.

From bugs to dinosaurs, trains, Jeeps, superheroes, fire engines & police cars, and most recently, Michael Jackson’s dance moves (don’t ask), it’s exciting to see his curiosity and interests change each day.

Using his magni-finding glass

Tyler Two-Two (because you have to say things to him at least twice before he listens to you), the second child born on the second day of the second month, makes everyday an adventure. I look forward to the things he says or questions Tyler asks. Whether it’s the humorous ones such as “Can I give Gnocchi (his cat) some smarsh-smellows for breakfast?” or the sincere concern regarding the well-being of our neighbor who isn’t feeling well. Or to hear him say, “That is so wonderful!” Tyler has brightened my darkest days with a simple statement that comes straight from his heart. “Mom, I love you.”

I love you too, Tyler.


  1. What a super sweet and funny tribute to your little man. Love all his nicknames and lucky you, there is never a dull moment thanks to him...holy clothes all over the floor!! After laughing through it, the last part brought tears to my eyes. Your children are so blessed to have you for their mom. Happy Birthday Tyler!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Tyler!! This is an awesome post and sounds like he is the most amazing son you could ever ask for. He had one amazing mommy too!

  3. Lindsey beat me to the post. I was going to say "This post made me tear up". You & Derrick have a wonderful little family.

  4. His mom has some very amazing friends as well!
