Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's That Time of Year

This sign has been passed around in my family (cousins) and I’ve had it hanging on my front door for the past seven years.  Everyone who actually knows me is well aware that I absolutely do not have a baby sleeping in my house but I’ve kept it as a great solicitor repellent.  Most would walk up to the door, see this and turn around.

Since the little man is no longer a baby, I feel it is time to pass this along to the next expectant family member.  After seeing a similar sign, I knew I had found a replacement most appropriate for this house.
Tyler's birthday treat for his preschool.
Oddly enough, he had a similar expression when he was born.  That was right after he saw me, not his shadow.


  1. haha I love it! Definitely made me giggle! :)

  2. I need one of those....but I'm not a Thin Mint fan either. :)

  3. Hahahhaa! Love the new sign...that is great!
    Tyler is a groundhog baby, never knew. His cupcake treats were awesome, way to go mom!!
    You are hilarious and I can't wait to see you on Saturday :)
