Thursday, February 11, 2010

For those of you keeping score at home...

First day of chemo, check. Consumption of meds that follow, check. Fatigue setting in, check.
In a sick way, I was a little excited for today. It was nice to get things going and well on my path to the destruction of Marla. The treatment itself was simple, I sat in a recliner and was waited on hand & foot for a few hours.

Part of Team Stanford V. Welcome aboard boys, now let's see what you've got.

It wasn't until 4:00 this afternoon that fatigue really set in, and it was quick. I'm very tired, but overall, I'm doing really well. Having said that, goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Today's score:
Rachelle - 1 Marla - 0


  1. I LOVE seeing the smile on your sweet face. You are such a trooper!
    SO glad that it has all started and obliteration is in progress.
    Hang in there girl.

  2. You are already being much stronger then I could ever imagine myself being. I love you Racha and I have been thinking of you everyday.

  3. Your friend on the Sonlight forums shared this link and I wanted to write and let you know that you have someone praying for you. Reading your blog brought a mix of emotions since I too walked this journey with Hodgkins in 2008. I love the way you are sharing and your attitude!! Stay strong - praying for continued strength and peace through this journey.

  4. Rasha, you just keep kick'n ol Marla's butt!
    I know if anyone can kick some serious butt, it's you. You have so much love & support!
    Love & miss u tons!
