My physical exam did not produce anything truly alarming. I had great cholesterol levels and blood pressure. No outward signs or symptoms of any problems and above all, I had felt great, better than I had in years. The blood work showed a border high thyroid level. This could possibly explain the tachycardia I was experiencing.
Week of January 19-22
The following tests were ordered:
- Stress test/EKG, ultra-sound of my heart, and a chest x-ray.
These were to rule out heart disease. Results of the chest x-ray showed a considerably large size mass, possibly an enlarged thyroid.
Further tests same week
- Thyroid scan
- CAT scan of chest
Results showed my thyroid was functioning and processing as normal. The mass would now require a biopsy, as it appeared to be a malignant tumor, Lymphoma in nature.
Thursday January 28
-Biopsy performed on lymph node, left side of my neck.

This really pissed off Marla, because she immediately started to fight back. After a 20 minute procedure under general anesthesia, recovery took all day. Sending my body temperature to the low 90’s, low oxygen levels and a racing pulse of 109 for most of the day, it was a night in the hospital for observation.
Tuesday February 2
Consultation with the Oncologist.
Confirmation of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. As much as you try to prepare yourself for the actual uttering of the words, “You have --insert name of devastating disease here--“…I don’t think it’s humanly possible to do so.
Pending further test results, my treatment will begin in one week. Chemotherapy once a week for 3 months following by Radiation.
This disease is highly treatable and can be cured.
If tests indicate the disease is gone following treatment, and it has not come back in the next 5 years, it won’t come back again.
Staging Process
These tests will indicate the stage of the disease. Currently, I appear to have Stage 2. That includes the large mass in my chest & up to the lymph node in my neck. If it has spread below the diaphragm, Stage 3. Existing in bone marrow, Stage 4.
Thursday February 4
Bone marrow biopsy.
Friday February 5
PET scan. Injected with radioactive isotopes, this scan indicates the location of the infected cells.
So….now what?
I can’t thank my family, friends, and neighbors enough for their unconditional love, generous support, and countless offers to help.
Next week I’ll have a few more tests, ball up my fists, and get ready to knock this thing to the ground.
I hope you don't mind that I'm following your blog. I saw that you posted it on Derek's facebook page. I'm really glad you did this - it's a great outlet for you and a way for the rest of us nosey behinds to keep up. I'm so very impressed at how strong you are!!
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am so glad you are doing this. I want to keep up with you and know what's going on. Plus you never know who you will help through this blog. Sharing with us your symptoms may help someone in the future.
ReplyDeleteYou are and have always been one tough cookie, something that always impressed me.
Rasha, thank u so much for the email. U know I don't Facebook & am thankful for you letting me follow your progress. You are one tough cookie! My prayers are with you always.
ReplyDeleteLove u & big hugs to u and the family.
And yes your blog is just as cute as mine. :)
You are the strongest girl I know. Always have been. You can and will beat this, and show those kids of yours just how strong their mama is. Love you tons.