Yesterday, I noticed my left hand & arm were slightly swollen and my underarm still tender (I blamed that on the botched PICC line attempt), I didn't think too much of it. Today the swelling increased and after my hand turned a lovely shade of Grimace, I called my doctor. An ultrasound was ordered to check for possible blood clots. Enter blood clots, stage left subclavian, brachial, and cephalic veins. Congrats Marla, you've managed to add 2 more prescriptions to my daily routine. The show now features blood thinner Coumadin and 1 shot, twice daily of Lovenox. Go ahead, ask me how excited I am to give myself a shot in the gut twice a day for the next week.

Okay, excited are you!?! Not at all, I'm sure! Though I like your optimism (and sarcasm) of embracing it and "loving" the needles. Marla may be adding more scrips to your list...but whatever it takes to take Marla down.
ReplyDeleteHOLY Mary Mother of Pearl!!! Grimace? Twice a day? Are you friggan kidding me??? Get this girl some Mountain Dew and Recess Peanut Butter Easter Eggs STAT!!!
ReplyDeleteThinking and praying for you daily!
Ewww, I'll pass on the bottled urine. However, thank you for the kind gesture.'re gonna have some bad ass "camp stories" when you are know, American Pie, "one time, at band camp."
ReplyDeleteI think I gained a healthy respect for needles when I, like yourself, found the silver lining...At least they're really, really, small.
On the bright side--I am SOOO relieved to hear that you have not totally turned to the dark side and are now drinking Mt Dew. I was prepared to fly out and stage an intervention. Sucks about the shots though.
ReplyDeleteOh Racha that sucks! I hate needles more than anything and can't even fathom having to give myself shots! You are a tough cookie though and the battle has officially begun. Too bad Marla is going down!